This black Friday, online sales rose to huge proportions in the United States as per the latest news updates. Com score, an internet source informed that this year the rise in sales on the eve of black Friday has increased to 26% as compared to the last year. IBM Core-metrics have mentioned this rise as 24%.
Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving which is considered traditionally to be a beginning of the season for Christmas shopping. On this day, the retailers and shop owners open extremely early as the number of people coming for purchases is very high. There are many who open the shops as early as 4 am in the morning. This day is not a holiday to be specific; however, there are many employers especially non-retailers who give this day off to their employees, thereby increasing the number of shoppers. The name derives from the nature of business that it does which means that there is so much profit that the retailers are “in the black”. This day is considered to be the busiest day of shopping in a year.
The record of Comscore says that around 50 million people of America visited online sites of retail on this Friday. It also says that Amazon was the most visited site and had 50% more visitors than the rest of the sites. The analytics company reported that Best Buy, Walmart, Apple and Target are the ones who followed it.
With the increase in the trend towards shopping on smart phones and tablet computers, there is a huge rush in the mobile shopping too. IBM Coremetrics informed that purchases in the mobile increased by 9.8 % which is the highest in all these years as compared to 3.2% last year. Many SEO Expert services advised their clients to offer discount on online purchase to cover the maximum amount of the market on that day. Amazon reported that it is expecting more demands in the coming days.
Article written by Vikesh Pithadiya - SEO Expert India
Article written by Vikesh Pithadiya - SEO Expert India
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